Privacy and Confidentiality

Keeping and maintaining records is required for all clients and for anyone who makes an enquiry. 

These records are kept both in written form and electronically. Your information will be protected by reasonable security safe guards against loss and theft, unauthorised access or use.
Your information will never be sold or distributed unless required by law.

You will be added to our mailing lists to receive newsletters and special offers. If you wish to be removed from these you can unsubscribe at any time or notify me in writing. 

Spam will never be sent to you.

I will respect client confidentiality at all times except if:
- You reveal you intend to harm yourself or another person.
- You reveal that a child is being abused or is in danger of abuse.
- I am compelled to reveal information by a court order.
- You reveal you are a member of a terrorist organisation – this must be reported to the police.
- You reveal you are laundering money from the sale of drugs – this must be reported to the police


I will always do our best to help you achieve a successful outcome to your therapy. However, you accept that an agreement to work on an issue does not mean that a particular outcome to therapy can be guaranteed. 
Fees are payable for your sessions and the time of booking the expertise of the therapist, regardless of the outcome. Results may differ from person to person.